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How to Make Your VoIP Connection Secure
October 1, 2013 By The mVoice Team firewallprivacysecurity No Comment
Ever since Alexander Graham Bell uttered the words “Mr Watson come here, I want to see you”, people have been suspicious of who is listening to their phone conversations. In days gone by the biggest threat was the telephone exchange worker eavesdropping, but today in the age of the internet the threats of security breaches are much more varied and significant.
Protecting your sensitive information whilst using VOIP shares many of the same principles that most people employ to protect their personal computer. The key is to remain dynamic and up-to-date as well as making sensible decisions regarding usage. This can become more complicated as the business expands; here are some tips to keep on top of your internet security.
Start yesterday
It is important to start the protection as soon as possible, preferably before internet connection is established. This is to ensure that the system is covered right from the start. Without this blanket protection, some malware may sneak its way onto your system before the security cover is installed.
Be dynamic
The hacking of information is made easier when security protocols become lax and stagnate. Therefore ensure that your method of protection is dynamic and up-to-date. Whilst the constant turnover passwords can be cumbersome, it is a simple method to ward off potential threats. Creating a password that is challenging to crack is simple, but it needs to be changed often to ensure safe communication. A strong password is useful to not only protect you from outside threats but also internal ones. Unauthorised access to a system can be damaging regardless of where it originates. Ensuring a culture of password security will protect your business for years to come.
Software and firewall
The only safe place to be in the world of the internet is behind the firewall. Whilst generally it would be unsafe to hide behind a wall made of fire, it is your best bet to ward of potential threats. The combination of up-to-date anti-virus software and having all activities occurring within the firewall is the best way to shore up your defence.
Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
One method to ensure that all internal communication is secure is to establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN). This Internet based network enables all employees to connect with each other in a secure manner via the use of encrypted data. VPN is effectively a traditional intranet but is able to be accessed remotely, enabling employees to work from home and off-site. VPNs are a good option to enable on-going security in a flexible business.
Work within the capabilities
Every security system has a tipping point and when it is stretched cracks will appear. Be sure to investigate the limits and capabilities of your security system to ensure that it meets your needs. If there is a substantial increase in the number of calls, the screening and security system may become overwhelmed. Be aware of the limits and review your system regularly to ensure it is meeting the dynamic nature of business.
Intellectual property and private information are immeasurably valuable to every business. By following a few of these basic tips, this data and the integrity of the business can be protected. This allows you to get on doing whatever you do best, rather than worrying about the system’s security.
About the Author
mVoice is a leading Australian internet telecommunications provider that supplies VOIP products to both small and enterprise businesses.
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